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 5 TIPPS to avoid Gastritis Cramps ..

Aktualisiert: 23. Feb. 2023

heeeellooo world,

First of all I want to say SORRY because I didn’t keep my word of posting last week to update you. Yesterday I had two big exams  to pass, that’s why I was kinda busy the last two weeks. But now back on track, I am here writing my new post. (Yaaaas, I passed both exams, Thank you Lord!!)

After being 5 weeks on diet, I am feeling pretty fine. I don’t take my pills anymore because I don’t want my body to get used to the pills. My mealprep is horrible. But I am working on that. I get lazy after somedays so I just buy chicken sandwiches from the supermarket. I also drink 2 Protein Shakes a day to fullfil my needs. I still lose some weight but not as much as I wish but in lifting weights I do big progress.

Let us come to my 5 TIPPS to avoid Gastritis Cramps

ONE – Eat small meal portions throughout the whole day. Try to eat every 3-4h.

TWO – Drink a lot of water to stay hydrated. Minimum of 3L a day.

THREE – Avoid carbonated drinks or sweet juice. Also Alcohol a NO GO!

FOUR – Do not eat heavy meals after 5 or 6pm.

FIVE – Do not eat cauliflower, garlic or onions. Any kind of food that makes you inflate.

I just kept my tipps short because .. Well just because! HAHA If you have any questions, do not feel afraid to leave a comment down below!

My next post will be about my Fitness Routine! so stay tuned folks (:

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