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  • Autorenbildby wana

5 Years from now..

Aktualisiert: 23. Feb. 2023


It’s time for a #MotivationMonday Blogpost,

A few days ago,  I had a job interview. They asked me many questions  like, “Why do you want this job?“, “ Where do you see yourself in 5 years?“, “ What are your expectations in life?“ Kind of deep questions I never had been asked before. I wasnt prepared,  but I just answered spontaneously.

Where do I see myself in 5 years?

I thought about it for a few seconds, that was a tough one because as I graduated high school (5years ago) I saw myself working in a job I love. Having my own flat with my man and having a basic life. I realized YES I am right here where I planned to be. And now the question is where do I see myself 5 years from now on. For sure you always want an update of your living and standards. I answered simple, of course a happy life maybe married and having a baby. But to deepen my answer I added, one day I want to earn as much money as possible so I can live a good life with just working 25h a week. Paying my parents back for the sacrifices they made to educate me and my younger sister so that  they can have a good life as a retired couple.  Buying a house and riding a pretty ass SUV. Reaching a high standard of living I really have to work my ass off. Never losing the focus and always aim high. Of course,  everyone dreams about having a nice house and riding a good car but what are you willing to sacrifice to achieve your dream? Am I aware of knowing how to work hard for my goals? Am I ready to sacrifice everything for it?

Of course,you don’t have to make all the sacrifices,  and don’t get me wrong, I haven‘t done this before because I am still in progress of reaching for my goals. But I am in the situation right now where I realize all the sacrifices I have to make and decision I have to take. I still don’t know how it will all workout at the end, because I am still learning and listening about beeing successful. You ask why sacrificing almost everything? Because you will realize one day achieving your goals need more than 40h work a week. Sometimes you need 80h a week of work to achieve your target. If you want to be successfull you have to sacrifice all you’ve got.

Maybe you just tell yourself you are working already 40h a week the other time I have left I will use to sleep. And this is your view of living for the past 30 years.  But that’s not the point of living right? You are waking up at 6am going to work at 8 am and stayng there till 5 pm. Afterwards coming home you eat, clean up, shower and go to bed. And thats your daily process. BUT  you were not born to dream a fullfilled life, You were born to live, breathe and feel your dreams.  Goals are not meant to just be written they are meant to be achieved. First thing you need to do is to start living and aiming.

To summarize as to where I can see myself in 5 years:

I will be blessed by the best with another 5 years of living will be filled with love, hope and faith.I will be crowded with people pushing me higherI will be a better version as I am now (spiritually, physically and emotionally)Last but not least, I will be few steps closer to my goals and dreams.
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