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Tipps for soon to be mummies

Very important for nursing and your titties

▪️Nipple cream and cooling pads

you and your baby are new to this nursing thing. It will take several times  until you work things out and your nibbles will be the one suffering from this new but beautiful situation. So be prepared to have wound nibbles and take care of them with a good nibble cream and cooling pads.

TIPPput the cooling pads into the fridge to really cool them before using ☺️

I got some of these from the hospital but you might need them for at home too 🙏🏽

another TIPP. As soon as your milkproduction kicks in (sorry you are of course not a cow 😅, but I hope you know what I mean) your breasts will be filled with good milk for your baby. Keep in mind to use nursing pads from preventing to get all milkey and wet. You'll be dripping from the other breast as soon as you feed baby with the other one ☝️

Here are the ones I used

▪️Collection container

If you don't want to waste your good milk from the other boob while feeding you can also get a pump to collect it.

Just pop it to the breast you wont feed baby with and it should drip as soon as you feed with the other breast 👏🏾

▪️Manual handBreastpumps

At the beginning I almost needed it everyday, it took me 15-20min to fill a plastic bag full of milk (180ml)

TIPP: Always use both boobs alternating. Wether feeding baby but also pumping both is always recommended.

Here the ones I used

Philips Avent Handmilchpumpe - einfaches Abpumpen, mit Natural-Motion Technologie, BPA-frei (Modell SCF430/01)

TIPP: You can also get an electric Pump at your nearest pharmacy

Some Facts I rather had know before giving birth

🔺 Babys poop black to dark green-ish poop the first 2-3 days and has the consistency of clay. After 2-3 days baby will poop healthy brown dump

🔺They are super tiny and super fragile, practise changing pampers prior even if it's just with a puppet or something. The nurse showed us ONCE how to change pampers and that was it! 🫠

🔺 Try having a last vacation just the two of you mum & dad. Go on a babymoon

🔺Latching is not easy. It's ok to ask for help, take your time at the hospital to ask the nurses to help you geed your baby properly and the right way. Even if that means to asl every half hour for help. Do you nibbles and you baby that favor and ask for help

🔺 Recovery takes time, don't rush

🔺baby will grow fast, dont buy too much new clothes ☝🏾

🔺babyshoes are overrated

🔺check and set you car seat right!

🔺 babys dont need to bath everyday. TIPP: you can use your breastmilk for everything. Every scratch, wound or even bath baby with you milk, it heals everything!!

🔺babys sleep almost all the time the first few weeks! They just have like 30min- 1h awake gap

🔺you don't have to change diapers every 2-3h when baby wakes up at night. Safe yourself some diapers (but if there is poop, change duuh)

🔺 Look for a pediatrician as soon as you are 1 month away from duedate. Make a call and ask if they still take new borns. Few are overran so they don't take any more kids to their register

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