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  • Autorenbildby wana

building Kyle’s roots

Haaaappy fathersday daddy! You already know how much we love and appreciate you for everything you’ve done!

Wishing every dad a blessed and joyful fathersday! Keep on providing and protecting your little ones. I also wanna say thank you to my Papa who has been supportive since day one. Whatever the issue is he always had my back my OG! HAHAHA

Thank you Papa F for doing good on Jeff and loving Kyle unconditionally!

But today is also about all the male rolemodel Kyle has! First his Ninongs, you were all chosen because of your kindness and big good heart. We also knew and felt the love you share for Kyle as if he is your own! We know you will always have Kyles back and love him the way needed 🥹

But we also know you will beat the shit out of him if he fuck things up! Hahaha jokes aside but you know what I mean! Kyle will grow up to the man God has planned for him with you guiding and supporting him 🙏🏽

Shoutout to the Titos from Kyle! You’ve been our support system since day one! Thank you for always dropping by when you missed him and every call when he learned something new. With everything you can teach him when he gets older, every wisdom you’ll share with him, every right jab and side control or new instruments Jeff and I will forever be grateful for you guys!

kylamansi loves you! 🫶🏽

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