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  • Autorenbildby wana


Hiii looovies leet's get into another stoory time :) this Blog won't really fit into my normal posts but you'll understand at the end why I HAVE to write about this đŸ˜€

Hubby joined a basketball league 3 weeks ago and he had his last game last weekend.

Because of many delay's we have been there a little early and so we catched the game of my cousin. The last few minutes it got intense cause the score difference went down to 2-3 points.

All of the sudden I recongnised there was only one official ref and the other one making the calls was the one who organized the whole league. ( Let's call him Dim ) With not much time left and like 30sec ish on the clock Dim called a 'stepping on the line - Out' so the team with -1 point had a turn over and lost a chance to maybe win the game. Of course the players got heated with the Call and they went off. ( be informed the players on that team were mostly under 25 and Dim was around 50/60ish I guess, no offense). The player who overstepped went face to face with Dim and was very frustrated with that call. Another Team Mate pulled him back to de escalate the Situation, lets call him Boy. He might have talked to Dim or yelled something while doing this, I'm not sure all I saw was him pulling back his Teammate and all of the sudden Dim went right to Boy's chest and PUUUUUSHED HIM!!!!! YEEES he freaking pushed the boy!

I was so shocked and furious about this situation.. and after a while I felt a little sad actually

Let me explain lovies!

This is not the first philipino league here in Vienna and it felt like nothing changed. The only thing that changed was the standard the youths were bringing into this game. Maybe you have read my post almost 8 years ago if not CLICK HERE.

and here is why I felt sad that nothing has changed in this filipino-basketball-League-"World"

First of all I have now my own Boy, who might want to play Basketball someday and might fall inlove with that game buuut biitch if this Dim-grown-ASS-man would have layed one finger on my boy this fucker would have been destroyeed! I'm not taking kickbox classes for no reason and this would have been a good reason 😏

Noo but jokes aside I was so furious because this Dim human had the audacity to react this way and used his authority to just end the game on that second. And nobody could have talked him to cool down and not let HIS FREAKING PRIDE ruin the game.

Watching the ganes and the new generation crashing the old ones with their skills was fascinating to see. You can see the young men on the field put work to it and thats why they got so good and destroyed the old generation by beating them in the finals. sooo I guess my point is dear Dims, please watch yourself and try to be an example of how our next generation should be. And dear Boys always choose your rolemodel wisely!

until the next one loovies!

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