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  • Autorenbildby wana

Fitness-Bucket List for 2k16

Aktualisiert: 23. Feb. 2023

hooollaa ..

After almost 1 1/2 months with no fitness at all because of the surgery I am finally feeling better to start 2016 right. 10 days ago I started with 30 min slow cardio, my favourite the stairmaster. After those 30 min cardio I felt kinda relieved because I am officially allowed to do fitness again but also exhausted. I recognized my body got weak since I worked out the last time. I guess, that’s just the normal way after a break for so long. Still I feel glad I hit the stairmaster, another challenge I passed!!

I am still working on my fitness Programm for the next few weeks. Because I really miss training with heavy weights, I struggled planing. I can’t start too early with heavy weights to put my body into a risk of getting strained. I guess I have to focus on my health first instead of my ideal bodyform. The next few weeks, maybe 2-3 weeks I’ll start with 30 min cardio and 15-20 min workout with my own body weight.

Speaking of ideal bodyform, I just finished writting my Bucket List for this year in the category FITNESS. My goals for 2016 are One max. Rep SQUATS 90kg; One max. Rep DEADLIFTS 100kg; 20 push Ups in a row & 5 Pull Ups in a row. My goals might be low for some people but I guess I just wrote down these numbers and weights because it’s a mindset. Actually it’s just a number I have to achieve but no one said I will stop as soon as I achieved my goal, it’s going to be a lifestyle.

Last year was an up and down in fitness. My start of 2015 was pretty good until summer, as my health started to break down with gastritis and gallstones. My personal record at Squats was 75,5kg and in Deadlifts I was at 80kg. Looking back I was in a good shape but then i just broke down with my motivation and lifestyle. It just hit me in the face, as soon as I got some progress with my body shape or with my weight I got sick back to back so I have to start over and over again. In the end oft he year I just lost my motivation eventhough I had plenty of time to meal prep or to go to the gym, I just had worries I have to stark again at zero. But now for the upcoming year I am ready to reach out for my goals. I am ready for every challenge and I am highly motiviated to see me slaying until the end of this year! YAAAAAS!

Leggoo! May all your SQUATS be heavy and deep in the new year!

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