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  • Autorenbildby wana


perfect for this season I am back with another Story.

As some of you know my Boy is turning 2 this JUUNE!! yeees my baby is hitting the BIG TWO already!! I caan’t, *crying rn

Anywaaay, that means I have to go back to work! YAAAAY! *again crying rn

And for that reason I set a meeting with my boss, to talk about my plans for coming back to business. And with that said I had like a week or so to think about my plans.

How many hours do I want to work, when do I wanna start, and how often do I want to come for the xx amount of hours??

Questions I have to discuss with Jeff and consider Kyles needs. I never wanted Kyle to stay too long at the Kindergarten so I considered to go back for less hours.

And I wasn’t sure if that was OK with my Boss, maybe she needed me Fulltime back. So that was kind of a tricky move for me.

Also I was trying to get my paygrad up, so this was also a tricky shot from my side.

Soo the day came by and I was walking to work for the upcoming meeting.

I was soooo nervous because I didn’t know if the meeting would go right. Or if I had to make some compromises which again would led to adjustments at home.

so walking there on the streets I was feeling kind of sick. My stomach hurt as if I had to shit HAHA. My palm was sweating and I got some super stressful moments.

I remembered to take a look up and just enjoyed the sun shining on my face for a second. And I started to listen to ‘GOODNESS OF GOD’

All of the sudden I felt all the weight falling of my shoulder. I felt my heart beat slowed down and the pressure on my stomach getting easy.

That was the moment I felt like I will rock this meeting. I felt the strength and self confidence pouring over me and with that God telling me “ YOU GOT THIS”

and wth this I walked through my boss door and we talked everything through and ALL WAS FINE!


Remember when HE stands right beside you, who or what else can be against you?


with that loovies, until the next one

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