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  • Autorenbildby wana


I'm back after a short break :) hope you did well and enjoyed the christmas season with your loved ones.

Now 2023 came to an end and we are in 2 0 2 4 baaaby!! we made it, we have struggled, we grew and learned so much last year and we are ready for new chapters in 2024.

While reviewing my resolutions from past years, I noticed the importance of breaking down each goal. taking a final look at my list by the end of the year made me question ..

  • did I checked some boxes?

  • why did I fail or did not finish these tasks ?

  • what could I have done better?

  • is this Goal set perfectly for myself?

  • is my WHY for this goal to small and thats why I did not succeed as I have planned to?

  • was one year a time limitation that made it difficult to achieve it?

so here I am now giving you 5 TIPS on


  1. Make a 5 YEAR Goals/Vision Board

  2. filter each goal into bits, into goals you can achieve in one year.

  3. break each goal down, why did you set this goal.

  4. break each goal down, what is your action plan to achieve this specific goal.

  5. review by the end of the year


Here you can go CRAAAAZY!

write every big chunks of goals on that Vision board!

'Have my own company, or brand, Safe up to xx amount of money, built my dream house, have 3 kids, and so on..

go all out, nobody will judge you girl, this is just for you and we claim IT WILL COME TO YOU as long as you not just "wish" for it to happen BUT you'll make it happen ;)


Make a List of Goal-Bits set for this year.

Example: 5 Year Goal was "saved up to 100K"

Now you have to break it down,

What is the goal for this year to achieve the "End goal"

by 5 years?

Which means, your Goal for this year will be to safe up xx amount of money. Maybe this depends on other goals for this year. Maybe moving. Or travels planned already. Or a big wedding. So you might have to adjust here but it is always good to set an exact goal so you know where you are heading. But first, put Goal-Bits towards your 5-year-Vision. Then, list all your other goals for this year. like reading 5 books this year or finally signing up for some dance classes.

your WHY

well, I think this is self-explanatory, The BIGGER the why the DEEPER the drive.

If you are thinking of quitting smoking but don't know why you should quit, you'll always find a way to start all over again. But if you do it because you want to get healthy.

the next question will be "why do you wanna be healthy?"

I want to be there for my kids. I want to outrun them in every game. I want to live as long as possible to see them grow. and thats a BIG WHY. the more you get into it the more you will learn from yourself und why this specific goals is that important.


now you break down your first step and all the other next steps to achieve it by the end of year.

Example: save up to xx amount of money

Action step 1 break down how much money you'll have to save up every month or week.

Action Step 2 arrange a monthly deposit from your account to an saving account. We will not take money from. See it as a fixed costs

Action Step 3 if you are still in school, think of how you can get some extra cash. Maybe babysitting, household chores, side hustles etc.


You can do a goal review every month or once every 3 months. This helps you stay focused on your goals and not forget them as the year passes. I like to do it once every 3 months. I check a few boxes or look at my action steps. Then, I adjust a few things to do better.

But important is to take your time by the end of the year and look at your bucket list for this year. how well did you do? what was your biggest struggles. Did you check all the boxes, if not why? What can I do better for the upcoming year.

and with that loovies I wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

deeper love, more success and bigger bags!

I'll see you in the next one xx wana

PS.: If you still need a GOAL-Hunt Sheet, I did one myself. You'll find there the

Year Goals

Goals Breakdown

Action Steps

and the REVIEW!


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