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  • Autorenbildby wana


Aktualisiert: 23. Feb. 2023

It’s been a while since I wrote my last Blog. So here I come, back with another one after new year. The last few months I struggled with my health. After being in the hospital again because of my sadly monthly  gastritis cramps, I went to my Doctor for a blood check-up. After waiting with no bad thoughts (because I get always a blood check-up at the hospital) my Doctor recognized the result of my liver were bad. He sent me to an ultrasonic. And unfortunately they found gallstones. YES, I had gallstones, additional to my gastritis.My Doctor was shocked because it is very rare to have gallstone with my age and because of he healthy lifestyle I was living, it just didn’t make sense to me, but I felt relieve, because FINALLY they- we – I now know why my body isn’t working as it should.

After few days I went to the hospital and asked for a surgery to remove the gallstones. I had many doctor appointments to take before having my surgery. After few weeks of waiting my date was set on december the 29th. The surgery went fine. I feel better now after almost 2 weeks. I have to follow a strict diet and I am still not allowed to work nor to workout.  It’s not the kind of Start I hoped for but it is just another challenge to face.

Thank you guys for your patience, support and looove (:

See you at my next post!  DEUUCEEEEEES

You need FAITH to start and STRENGHT to finish
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