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  • Autorenbildby wana

I have my boobs back!

Hiii loovies


I slept for more than 6h straight now and

a BIIIIIG bonus

I have my BOOOBIES baaack ( to myself and Jeff ofc HAHA)

YES! I did stop breastfeading!

After 18+ months I finally decided to end this beautiful and memorable season. I loved every moment of it, I loved how Kyle laid in my arms growing from weeks to months and now almost 2 years old. It was a rough start but it was a beautiful journey with a lot of struggles and learnings.

It was the first thing I did as a mom. I fed and nourished my beautiful baby in my arms and it was magical. From the very first moment our eyes first met I knew he was perfect.

Now thinking back it was all worth it, all the struggles, all the up and downs and all those sleepless nights. It all comes together and here I am now having an independent boy.

Why am I stopping?

and why now?


I actually wanted to stop few months ago.

He was 15 months and I thought we both were ready to stop. But then he started to go to kindergarten and I didn't want to give him a hard time to adjust.

Adjust in Kindergarten and to lose his comfort place was not a good combination. so I waited a few weeks for him to settle down in Kindergarten.

But then the season started where he always got sick and didn't really settled in. Few days we were stuck at home so he didn't even got to kindergarten.

it was a true struggle.

then christmas and new year came around the corner and he was again at home. It took him up to mid January until he was finally settled in Kindergarten.

But then my parents took us to a trip and I thought it wasn't a good timing to cut it off during a vacation.

so here we are by the end of january,

I decided to start withholding him my boobies.

he took it really good, I started to cut it off through the whole day and he was doing great. just asking when I am putting him to sleep but he understood he wont get any titties. I offered him a glass of milk before nap time and so he was pretty satisfied with it.

for 7 to 10 days he only got boobies during the night. Because I thought he was hungry at night I offered him some boobs so he still has a good quality of sleep and wont wake up because he was Hungry.

he was still searching for my boobies 3-4 time a night though

So after 10 days of only getting boobies at night I started to cut it off completely. I offered him a whole bottle (250ml) of warm milk before going to bed. Aaaaand he loooooves milk. So we implemented a bottle milk into our night routine. and since then he slept through the whole night. once or twice in 7 day he asked for milk in the middle of the night. so I prepared a bottle of milk for the nights if ever he needs it. But since 4 day he managed to sleep in ladies!!!!

AND SO AM I!!! oh my gaaawd I loove sleep. hahaha I forgot how I missed it since giving birth. Kyle was always a good sleeper only askin 2-3 time at night for boobies. But since he grew older around 1 year old, I think he has to process so many things at night so he slept slightly uneasy.

And since then I also struggled to rest well at night.

But look at us now, here we are. an independent BOY and a well rested MAMA.

I am soo happy this change went very smoothly. And Kyle took it like a champ. Thinking back I am getting super emotional because I will never breastfeed my first born ever again. :')

here are my 5 tips for you MAMA, if you are thinking about quitting breastfeeding

  1. Don't rush yourself. If you are not 100% ready then don't stop yet. If you have some doubts, thats's OK. take your time. reflect, listen to your baby and act accordingly.

  2. don't quit while having other big adjustments in your babys little life. What I mean by that is if your child is going through a phase or big adjustment,. (Teething, started kidnergarten, you are moving houses or so). please don't take him his comfort place away. Because he has to process s many other things, he might struggle to manage many things at the same time.

  3. offer him milk. Well this helped us a lot or even water in the middle of the night if he asks for boobies.

  4. take your time. start with refusing to give him boobies during the day. maybe every other day, then you go to every day. and then few days later you start with quitting at night.

  5. get your partner and ask him to do the night routine. this helps your child because he don't smell boobies when he is going to bed with his daddy HAHA. And I am so happy Jeff took this task with grace. He did so well and I am so thankful because Kyle loved reading books and singing lullabies with Jeff.

and with that mamas, I hope you have a great weekend

until the next one xx

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