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  • Autorenbildby wana

i was ego tripping

Hiiii looovies!!!!

it is again time for a little stoooory..

The other night Jeff and I were in our living room. And we had one of our nights, with one glass of wine, our hookah and just us talking for hours.

We talked about the struggles we had before Kyle and how we grew and changed since we have our boy.

We had to. We are no teenies anymore. We did evolve..



One time we had a fight because HE CAME HOME LATE!

I was super exhausted because of Kyle. And I was so pissed he came

home late by 10 minutes!!

HAHAHA yes 10 minutes.

The whole day was so stressful because we had so much to do and to prepare for the next day. We rushed from one appointment to another and let me tell you, this is no fun with a toddler.

So after a long day of me preparing food, cleaning the house and entertaining Kyle. Jeff went to the Volleyball training. And had the audacity to come home late!

It was time to take Kyle to bed but I was soo exhausted and wanted Jeff to come home and to take over. I knew Kyle was very tired too. He just was ready to go to bed. But he was late so I took all my last boost and made Kyle ready for bed.

As soon as Jeff walked through that door I gave him my biggest attitude. No HI, no KISS - NOTHING. yees I was that pissed. Of course he noticed and he was trying to calm me down but I am not that kind of girl! HAHAH

Anyway after some time he asked why I was so angry with him and he apologized for being late. And I was just not ready to calm down. So I continued to give him the silent treatment..

Because my pride took it to another level, instead of clearing things up we went our separate ways.

I went angry to bed.

I wasn't backing down..


But it took me so much time to finally fall asleep. I was angry but I knew I was wrong here..

so the next morning I woke up beside Kyle but no Jeff there.

He left me ....

just kidding, he was working already in the living room. so I went towards him with remorse. Knowing I was SUUUUPER OVER DRAMATIC yesterday night and he was sitting there, already waiting for me with open arms.

no more questions and no more fighting... just peace and love

He hugged me, kissed my forehead and said "Good morning". And I returned with an "I'M SORRY!" And he immediately replied with a sorry too.

He knew I was exhausted and I really needed him. And I knew I was wrong just denying to talk to him. I should have let him know how I feel and what I needed. But he respected my space and let me cool down.

Years ago we would have not talked about it anymore I would have kept the silent treatment until I cooled down after few days.. yes days. My Ego was big. Was big. I still struggle with it up until this day but I am working on it. And the patience of Jeff makes it a lot more easier to work it out.

Yes he immediately understood I was at my lowest having only 20 left and I needed him to catch up with the remaining 80. And he knew he fell short but that was no reason for me to make the situation even a harder for ourself. I have to remember it is US AGAINST THE PROBLEM. If I could have just talked him through everything he would have droped everything and catched me. I know for sure, but because I was so ego driven he had no chance on catching up.

yeees ladies, your girl struggles and is still learning..

But I love those talks where we just reflect on old stories and recognizes how different we are now.

And we were shook. We grew as a family so much but most important we grew as individuals too. I also remembered as soon as we had a miscommunication or had a discussion back than I was always the one shutting down. My pride grew and I would never back down! But Jeff thought me ...

your reaction to a problem reveals the health of your heart

and by the end of the day 2 things will be know

the problems you solve or the problems you create!

with this loovies until the next one!


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