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  • Autorenbildby wana

healthy relationship advice

Here are few tips to lit things up with your man!

Respect each others alone time! Tell your partner that you need some time on your own. To recharge, to rest and to reset. Communicate the importance of your time alone. Always keep in mind you dont fail to be a good mom or partner when you need space for yourself. In the long run your family will be grateful for the sacrifices everyone brings to the table. Even if its just a few moments alone, reading for 1h. And for some it is doing chores with nobody disturbing them, going to the gym or having a mani & pedi. Go get it :) you deserve a time out boo. This applies of course also to the husbands!

Go on dates once a week. Any kind of dates

Gymdate, just grabbing lunch, watching a movie or simply a sip of wine and chill. Something just you two are enjoying. Go call your mom, sister, cousin or a sitter to watch your baby for 2-3h a week. Make it somehow work! PRIORITIES

Never go to bed without saying I love you to each other. No matter what fight or argument you had, say "good night & i love you"

Have sh*t ton of seggs

Whenever & wherever. PERIOD

Until the next one lovies xx

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