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  • Autorenbildby wana

Kyle's first time being separated from Jeff

hiii loovies,

how are you? how have you been?

I am back from a little trip and I wanted to write a quick update for you guys!

We went on a cruise with my parents and it was my first trip alone with Kyle. Because Jeff had work stuff to take care of and our trip was kinda last minute, he had to stay at home. So I did the Trip with my parents and we took the cruise to Italy, France and Spain.

I was super excited for some chill time but also was super nervous being alone with Kyle. Yes my parents were there but it is still different if your partner is there to give you some time off, if needed.

So we went very early on saturday and took the plane to Mailand-Malpensa. It was a quick and easy flight with only 1h 10min. After that we got picked up by a bus and we took a 2,5h drive to Savona. Kyle did very good actually he slept during the fight and 2h on the road. thank god

So we arrived at the cruise at 1pm. We did a quick check-in and left our luggage at the front desk. Going on board was a little overwhelming because the ship was pretty big.

It has 18 floors, 6 all- incl restaurants. 6 other restos where you reserve and pay extra. (and if you have filipino parents, like me you'll never wanna pay extra HAHA). The cruise also had 1 big indoor Pool and 4 mini jacuzzis. 4 Snackbars and around 10 bars for all kind of beverages.

But most importantly it had so much space for kids and little ones. A little playroom where they can do crafts and another room with a lot of toys and a big playground. But not just for the little one, they also had a lot of activities for the bigger kids. From an arcade room to a teen disco you also had outdoor space for a little basketball game. I think everyone, no matter the age will find something fun to do on the cruise.

Every night you'll get a plan-overview for the next day. And it was always nice to know when and where you can breakfast or when certain activities starts. For Kyle it was alway important to know where we can hang out so he can dance and listen to good music.

Our day always started with a breakfast. And because my parents were up like 3 hours earlier than us two (senior time HAHA), we had to eat separately. And I was so glad that this cruise had a "Family Diner" . You were allowed to enter that restaurant if you have a 4 year old child or younger and that was so nice. I could eat in peace without chasing Kyle all through the whole restaurant. Because this specific Diner had his own play-corne, Kyle was able to play after eating and I still had an eye on him.

After breakfast we went off the cruise or we looked for activities on the boat. So before Lunch we had our little play time in the Kiddies Playground or we went swimming. After 2,5h we had lunch and then we took a break for his afternoon nap.

After his 2h nap we alway got ourself some snack and went to the indoor swimming-pool era. In the afternoon they always started to have some dance lessons beside the Pool. Or some water activities and Kyle loved watching the people having fun and dancing. Sometimes they also played some games and it was always fun to watch while enjoying a cocktail or a smoothie.

After that afternoon activity we got ready for dinner. Which was always stressful. We tried to eat a la carte but it is not a good idea with a toddler. It takes too long for the food to arrive and the kids can't be strolling around while waiting. It could get very dangerous if they ran into a waiter with all them plates. So after the first failed night, I did avoid going to the a la carte restaurant. I did choose a buffet style kind of dinner or even did use room service to bring us food.

So after dinner we strolled around the cruise and on every floor there was different entertainment. Wether listening to jazz music, or having a show with sining and dancing performances you'll for sure find something. We always started to watch a musical but I recognized then Kyle was getting tired shortly after. So we never finished a show at night.

Over all Kyle loved the trip, especially having a good time with his grandparents.

Here are 5 TIPS for ON BOARD

  1. If you child can already walk, don't use the stroller inside the ship. I know things will take longer but believe me. waiting for an elevator to fit in was always a battle. Because our ship was a big one with so many people, I never took the stroller with me. It made me furious waiting for an elevator.

  2. stick to the routine of you child. I missed many shows or activities at night because I prioritized Kyles sleeping routine. Yes I know a little sad because the ship had so much to offer. But Kyle was not tired the whole trip. It is already super tiring on and off board so I didn't let him miss more hours of sleep. Just because I wanted to stroll around at 11 pm.

  3. If you insist to dine in an a la carte restaurant, be prepared. Bring toys with you, maybe a book or paper and pencils. Make sure to keep the baby busy because it will take almost 2h until you'll get your dessert.

  4. Don't shower your baby too often. The cruise is using salt water for the bathrooms. If possible buy Water bottles and just wipe them wet at night before going to bed.

  5. Never do a trip alone. My Parents were super supportive and did everything. But once your child is tired or moody it will all fall onto your shoulder. And I'm not gonna lie, I was exhausted from the trip. Although I loved the cruise and the whole trip, it was a different kind of stress being alone with a toddler. But especially because I saw Kyle missed his dad everyday. This was our first time being separated from each other.

And with that until the next one, a part II of the Trip

see you loovies xx

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