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  • Autorenbildby wana

love and forgive

Peeeeeople! I did my very first podcaaast! 🙊

Woow I was soo nervous the whole day before doing the podcast HAHA but it turned out very well đŸ™đŸœ check the link down below to watch the whole video đŸ«¶đŸœ

We just celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary and my husband had a fun idea to bring me to his podcast as his special guest, I guess 😅

I wasn't nervous because we might not have anything to talk about online but rather nervous how to talk on camera! I never talk to random people or have an actual conversation on camera hahaha thats why I was a little anxious about doing this podcast. But it turned out pretty fun actually, might do another one hihihi

We basically talked about our struggles in the relationship, our fight language and why we came to the conclusion to end our first relationship 7 years ago. But I won't go into details about those topics and questions, if you want to know more about our struggles and the reason why we once came up short WATCH IT đŸ™ŒđŸœ

My topic for today's Blogpost is a question we got asked for the podcast, but we didn't really got into because time was running. So I really thought about it after the podcast because it was a really good and deep one...

What are the 3 values you would pass on to your child?

This was a very good question and I was a little overwhelmed by that question 😅

This stuck with me the whole night after our podcast. So here are my thoughts ...


You can achieve everything as long as you put work to it!

Not just at your job but also in all little things like you will draw better as long as you will keep trying and working on your skills. Or it's ok to fail in Maths, how can we do better the next time? Exactly, by putting work in and doing the reps. You haven't found your dreamjob by 30/35? It's alright keep looking and working, its a journey and you will succeed.

As Jeff said in the podcast we came from an older generation of immigrants who were trying to settle down in a complete different continent. All my parents knew was to be nurses or teachers or working abroad. They always told us to be nurses cause it's a sustainable job which pays well. But the older we got the more opportunities we found and realize there are not just 3 jobs to do on earth. You can do and achieve so much more as long as you are ready to sacrifice your time and work to it! It is alright to dream big, it is ok to fall but never forget to get back up and take your first step towards your goal again. God closes a door for you to open another one destined to be your path! Have faith and go your way!

but also in a personal point of view. People can change! 12 years ago I was not ready to say sorry! I was so stubborn and I thought I am always right! Damn. Our relationship struggled a lot at the beginning because of my big head. But after months and now years I can apologize and mean it with all of my heart because I was willing to work on myself for the sake of our relationship but also for my own.


Choose your inner circle and your significant other wisley!

Jeff is the best example. His Papa, Papa Ferdie always told him to choose his friends wisley. Don't be friends with them because they are "cool" in school or because they have money! Be friends with them because of their heart and goodness. And until now I am so grateful for Papas words. If Jeff wouldn't have listened to those wise words we might have not be where we are with our little family right now. That time some of his friends were really troublemaker, skipping school, doing shit and even got into jail.. because Jeff listened to those exact words he did not get in trouble and seperated himself from those "friends". Now our inner circles is also our support systems! People who encourage us always to be the best Version of ourselves. But they are also the ones telling us we did wrong or we might think about it again and see it from another point of view. Always supporting us and always loving us no matter what. Friends turning to family and now rolemodels for our little boy!

Choosing the right partner who won't put you into your place in their life. Look for someone who is willing to grow with you, let you dream and fulfill them. Helping you to be a better person day by day. A relationship is not easy you will have up and downs but with the right person you will enjoy your ride through your whole journey for the rest of your lifes!


Lastly love and forgive! Dont hold any grudge against anybody. We all are trying our best to do better. If you see they are not willing to change forgive and cut ties. Know your worth and give your love and time to people who deserves it.

Ufff this was hard. Might change few points in some years hahaha but for know this is it..

loove loads boo until next time


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