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  • Autorenbildby wana

mom & dad

Besides having a tiny human in your both lifes, new obligations and responsibilities towards the baby you also have to take time to work on your relationship with each other in that new constellation, a family of three now.

For sure there are beautiful and happy moments most of the time but you might also have some time you'll feel overwhelmed by this new "everyday".

Our first month as new parents went by really fast. Jeff took 6 weeks off duty to stay at home with me and Kyle. Everything went smooth actually. During the day Jeff took care of our boy and at night I took most of the work with Kyle cause husband has a very deep sleep he wouldn't even notice if Kyle would cry at night 😅😅

sooooo everyone knew their part and workload, as good as possible of course.

After few weeks Jeff started to work again and that ment he was gone for maybe 4-5h and then he'd come home to work from there.

at first I thought I handled it pretty well, being alone with Kyle, managed to do my daily chores like laundry, cooking, dishes and might have took a shower every now and then HAHA I felt so blessed because many aunties, cousins or friends complained they didn't even had a chance to go to the bathroom as soon as they were alone with their newborn 😭

Kyle and I did very great

But after a few loooong weeks I noticed getting exhausted and I picked up on Jeff for small things wich was nagging on me. Small simple things. Yes he took care of the baby and had his playtime with him but I felt alone throughtout the whole day. It was weighing on me and I felt unseen. Unseen in the way "the fuck you come home after work to a clean ass house, freshly washed laundry, dinner served and a healthy baby! How come, you'll come home, play with the baby and go to bed without waking up once to change the fucking diapers?" - kinda 🫣

I was never the one bringing up problems, always was the problemmaker HAHA Jeff was always the one wanting to fix things and talk.

I told him I was exhausted and I don't feel appreciated for everything I am doing at home. He apologized and wanted to do better, that night he did 😛 just kidding! HAHAHA

After apologizing he asked what he can do to help me. And I didn't know what to answer, actually he thanked me every night for the food I prepared, he helped with Kyle whenever I asked and he did his part too to make it work at home. But I didn't notice until that moment. In my head I was doing shit alone but didn't recognize he was doing his part too. And after a long talk we came to the conclusion I needed time with him, just the two of us. I missed him, We slacked on our one on ones. We had no other conversation than who is going to change the diapers next or what shall we eat for dinner. Because we were so focused on Kyle and everything he did, we kinda lost us two in that period of time.

Since then we made a deal

To dine together everyday

To cook together once in awhile

Never going to bed without a goodnight kiss

Going on a date just the 2 of us every 2-3 weeks

Going on a short family trip every 2-3months

talk, check up on each other every now and then on a daily basis. It's the small gestures that counts. ❤️-Texts when you wake up is the best feeling to start the day with

Parntership - takes work on both sides

until the next one lovies 💕

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