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  • Autorenbildby wana

my first time as a mom

As a first time mom I had no idea what was coming at me. Because the pregnancy went very smoothly even giving birthday wasn't too bad I was very curious how this boy will turn my world up side down 😅 I imagined having no sleep for the next years, poop stains on every shirt and a crybaby...

But this baby was calm as fuuuck! We already had visitors the same day we got out of the hospital. We celebrated my Birthday at the restaurant with no problems at all. He was doing so good and didn't give us a hard time to settle our new constellation, a family of 3 đŸ„° So couple of days and weeks went by and I was ready to workout already. I felt great and kinda trusted my body to work fully recoved in just 6 weeks after giving birth. So after the GO of my OB and an Postpartum Expert (s/o to I did my first small but very rewarding workout!

This was the first time I did something just for ME, my ME-Time in months! Yes I love my baby and yes he was very calm 🙄 But a baby needs you (well them titties) like aaaaaaaall the time and you are kinda stuck (literally) with your baby. So of course it is the most natural feeling to need a break or a time-out đŸ™đŸœ

I am blessed by the most supportive husband. He was home the first 6 weeks with our boy and managed the chores at home, cooked, cleaned the house, did the dishes and laundry. So I can focus on my transition being pregnant one day and have a tiny human in my arms the next day. My first workout felt so great Jeff (the husband) immediately saw I was recharged! I was mentally and emotionally drained but this 30minutes made me feel like ME again. Not MOM-Me, Wifey-Me or Working-Me just MYSELF 😭

For some ladies out there maybe you'll feel recharged after a long walk alone or a coffeedate with your bestie or to just sit your damn hour at the toilet with no distraction. You do you boo đŸ™ŒđŸœ

A little note to ourselves

"You can't pour from an empty cup"

watchout for yourself physically, mentally and emotionally.

Shoutout to the husband and my support system! I love you

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