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  • Autorenbildby wana

Pahinga ka na TATAY<3


Heaven gained another angel and you are now reunited with your one love, Nanay. May you continue to watch over us and protect us. We know you are now pain-free and in good company.

Until we meet again Tatay.

Pahinga ka na Tay, Rest in paradise!

some of you might know I never grew up with a grandpa. My granndpa from mama side died as I was still young. I remember him but there was not much time we spent together. Because he lived in the Philippines and we came to visit him only every 2 years. And my grandpa from papa side was long gone before I came to this world.

soo the first actual grandpa I had was Tatay, Jeffs grandpa. God blessed me with 7 years I shared with tatay. As he came to Vienna we had the chance to meet tatay, take care of him and learn from all his beautiful stories. He loved telling us his lifestories. He was very proud of his achievement, as we all were. He was the man who worked overseas to pay for the education of his 4 beautiful daugthers. And because of all his and Nanay sacrifices God sent all 4 young ladies to Vienna. All his hard work paid off. Everyone married and had babies and the families grew. And all this started with Tatay..

for my first time entering this family I immediately felt the love for each other. the genuine care and love. Everybody watching out for one another, making sure they feel loved and happy. Nothing seemed to worry them. They were always there for each other and always positive thinking. And that was the way of Tatay too


Until his last day. He was the happiest and most humble person I ever met. He never complained about his pain or sorrows. He always had the biggest smile on his face when he saw his grandchildren.

I will forever remember the night we told him that we are pregnant. He praised god that he got the chance to met his first great grandchild. Everytime Kyle visited Tatay he made sure he present himself strong.

He always got up from the bed so he can sit beside Kyle and cuddle and play with him. Kyle never saw him weak or unhappy. Kyle loved Tatay so much. Tatay always pet Kyles shoulder and sang or prayed over his head. He always said "matalinong bata to" Kyle is a bright boy. and then he added "sunod ay babae na" the next baby will be a girl for sure HAHA. he still got jokes.

He is such a big inspiration for all the grandchildren. I saw how Jeff admired his grandpa. He felt like he owed Tatay his whole life and the gratitude towards Tatay was big. Seeing Jeff broke down as we heard Tatay passed away was so hard. I never saw Jeff this emotional but that showed me how much he loved Tatay.

words can not describe how much you mean to us.

You have shown the world what a great rolemodel and human you have been.

you will be missed and loved.

We will forever cherish your big heart, funny stories and your dance-moves.

Thank you for loving me as if I was one of your grandchildren.

Thank you for your unconditional love, wise words and your humble heart.

we love you TATAY, until we meet again!

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