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  • Autorenbildby wana

Pushing KYLE outta MY VaJJ

Aktualisiert: 26. Apr. 2023

Woooow woow wooow! It has been 10 months already since iIdid it, writing this makes me kinda emotional, soon I have a one year old đŸ„č😭

But first let's go back to the most emotional and rewarding event of my life 😅

On the 38th week of pregnancy I had my regular check up which contains a blood and urin test also checking babys heart rate and my blood pressure. I remember exactly how that day went by. I was running late so I took our car to drive to the hospital. I was a in a hurry so let's say I was stressed getting to the hospital.

Arriving there my mom in-law who was my midwife too (S/O to MAMA đŸ„°) was already waiting for me, she just ended her night shift and still took care of me and run all those tests. Immediately she saw my blood pressure was high (145/92) so she made me lay down relax for a few min and we listened to Ks heartbeat. A few moments later we checked again and it was still high (132/87), she still took my blood and gave them up for tests. Baby's heart beat was fine so we went home few moments later. I didn't even arrived at home and I immediately got a call from the hospital, I have to take the test again. I should come back after 2 days.


So thursday, 2 days later we went there and mom took all them tests again.

After waiting for maybe an hour the results came in.

The doc consulted us and told me the labor could start any time soon. Baby is healthy and in the right position already. My urine test was negative but my blood sample showed some signs of pre-eclampsia and also my blood pressure was still high so the doc was concerned. We were in a little shock and didn't know what to do or think at first. I thought I might be on bedrest for now until baby decides to come out. But the doc said, there is no need for bed rest. I should check my bp 3 times a day, when it shows my bp is high 3x in a row I should go to the hospital immediately. If my bp isn't dropping they have to induce labor so we won't put baby and me at risk. The doc said I should walk a lot, take the stairs and have a lot of sex to induce labor normally HAHAHA, so shall be đŸ€Ș

So going to a wedding the next day and a gender reveal the other day we again had a check up at the hospital. Everything was fine all the results were good my bp was normal again. So we had to wait til baby was ready. I felt some premature contraction but they went by easily and fast. Sunday came by and after my last strength class we had lunch and dinner at my parents. On the way home I felt contractions again but nothing serious, they again went by fast.

Going to bed at 11pm and talking to Jeff I suddenly felt like I freaking peed myself đŸ€­ YEEEEEEES my water broke! What a funny moment! I was all disgusted and wet and Jeff stood there in shock just starring 😂 so after a few moments we got things moving! Jeff called mom and the ambulance to pick us up. While my water kinda broke again and again I tried to change my clothes before the ambulance got there. Few minutes later they arrived and we drove to the hospital. Shortly after, mom arrived there too and they got me hooked up and all. My cervix was at 1cm as we arrived. So I got some fluids to induce labor. Shortly after I felt tiny contractions but all good. Few hours later we checked the cervix and I was at 3cm. They checked also baby's vitals if he has enough oxygen and if he is not stressed or anything. Because my water broke so early he was already in the perfekt position. While checking the cervix they could always feel baby's head already. But my body wasn't ready to open up literally đŸ€ŠđŸŸâ€â™€ïž And if baby wouldn't get enough oxygen we had to move forward and do a c-section.

Soo we waited again a few hours later still 3cm. I got an epidural anesthesia which should help my cervix to open. After another few hours mom checked my cervix again. I was freaking 5cm open, not so much progress but still progress. 9hours passed and I still was stuck at 5cm for another 2hours. At 11:30 am mom checked again and finally I was 7to8ish cm open from that moment on I did not get any medication anymore. Since then I felt every freaking contraction. I was so happy I had the chance to rest the last 11hours for the next 2hours of active labor. So the first hour of aktiv labor, I had to breathe through the contractions wich was, I'm not gonna lie crashing me! Not only physically but also mentally! It was draining. I wanted to push but my freaking VaJJ wasn't ready. I screamed, cussed, cried and felt sooo weak at that moment. I always thought of myself as a pretty tough one, not "pain sensitive" but fuck this shit was tearing me apart literally! After an hour or so I was ready and open mom told me to finally push. We started with a side laying position, I didn't felt comfortable so we switched to the other side. But neither was the other side. I already lost energy while trying this shitty position so we tried the squatting position. After few attempts like 5 contractions or so I screamed at Jeff to fucking cut me open. My mind was over it I could not wait another contraction. At that point I was crying and praying for baby just to pop out. So the second midwife told me to lay down on my back and drink water und to breath. Jeff was so positiv and he did so great but at one point he turned to a freaking Coach. Like "come on baby push it like your heaviest deadlift! You are strong!" And I almost punched him in the face. I was so desperate I cried for help and told them to cut me open. I had no energy anymore and I just wanted it to be over. So I layed at my back the two midwifes try to massage the VaJJ open all of the sudden the seconds midwife took my hand and put it down there. đŸ«Ł I felt Kyle's head and his hair! "He is almost out! You got this" she said. If she would not have showed me how far Kyle's head was out there already I wouldn't have made it! All that prior pushing felt like we weren't doing any progress!!! All I needed was assurance that we are freaking getting somewhere. And she did that! That was my last motivation, I gathered all my strength and last will together for that one push and the contraction came. I said to myself one last try and this boy is out! So I puuuuuushed. Pulled my knees back to my ears und pushed my chin to my breasts! And I puuuusheeeeed again ! It took me 2 pushes and his head and shoulders where out. After that one light LAST push and he flushed outta my VaJJ and Kyle Atlas Santiago was born!

June 6th, 2022 at 1:29pm

53cm long and 3,2kg big

Kyle was healthy, I was finally done and my VaJJ did it safe and sound. No cuts, no tearing and no stitches đŸ‘đŸŸđŸ‘đŸŸ

Girl, our bodies are incredible going through the pregnancy and giving freaking birth??? we are superhumans!

Shoutout to all mothers out there carrying and taking care of their babies!

Until the next storytime 💕 xx

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