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  • Autorenbildby wana


Once you become a mom, you will realize what safeplace really means!

Last week I got the question „how are you doing, how is now one year motherhood and do you love it?“

Really simple questions but hard to answer without giving them the a wrong idea of motherhood. Either the „born to be a mom“ or „she fucked up“ vibe. Let me tell you why I found it so difficult to answer with one simple sentence.

What is a safeplace?

a place that provides a physically and emotionally safe environment for a person or group of people, especially a place where people can freely express themselves without fear of prejudice, negative judgment, etc.:

What does that mean for a baby or your child?

a place where he or she will find peace, feel safe and loved no matter what…

And for most of the children it is the mom who stay’s at home and takes care of your little one.

When people ask me what is the one thing you love the most about being a mom?

I’ll answer with..  Being that one person Kyle searches and longing for when he needs a safeplace. Im not talking about being clingy or him not being able to stay alone with his daddy or grandparents or other family members. I‘m talking about Kyle being tired, exhausted or needing comfort after whatever situation, I‘m the one he is looking for. And once you’ll get him he falls into your arms and calms down immediately. You’ll feel the relief of his whole body and a love you never knew and felt before! It is the most rewarding feeling you’ll ever experience. The love, every laughter and every hug of this little boy will always melt my heart and will always be the memories I’ll cherish forever.

The moment when he achieves a new skill and is so proud to look out for you to show you with the brightest smile and clap for himself!

The mornings where he wakes you up with a bright teethless smile on his face!

The moment he just leans his head into your shoulder and lay’s there unbothered!

These are just few moments but I am living my best life right now!

And then there are moments of struggles …

Being a safeplace is not always heart warming und fun. It also means to be always mentally and emotionally stable to catch your little one, giving him the comfort he needs even if you are at your lowest point of that day.

Feeling overstimulated because you are the only on who can calm your baby down is hard

Making good decisions when you are overstimulated is hard

Not giving your child a hard time because you ran out of battery is hard

Calming your sick child in the middle of a sleeplessness night hard

There will always be both side in this journey and you have to be all in! This little one is counting on you and loves you unconditionally! No matter if you did something wrong he will forgive you and will always come back to you!

You will never have just good days but also remember you also will never have just bad days!!

So do I love it, being a mom?


Do I struggle?


How do I cope?


Balance - go on alone dates, go date your partner, go to the gym, ladiesnight

Break -  sleep when your baby sleeps, drink your water, take care of yourself

Boundaries - when other asks for favors. Don’t show up, say that you love them but you are not good right now. You won’t serve anybody if you are always running on reserve tank!

Thank you for listening to my thoughts 💭! 😭

Xx until the next one loves!

Because my boy turned 1 last month! I am thinking about a giveaway ( for my subscribers!!) every month until his 2nd birthday! What do you think?

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