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  • Autorenbildby wana

Spread LOVE

Aktualisiert: 23. Feb. 2023

fooolks, this is kinda off-topic but I just wanted to share something with you!

What do you answer when someone asks you, “How are Filipinos like?“ “ What kind of person are they?“. Most of the people would say they are super kind, very polite and are always happy. And of course most of them are nurses you would answer. But I tell you one thing, eventhough I am a Filipino too, there are two different types of Filipinos! Of course the majority are the nice and kind people one. But there are some you wouldn’t mind not knowing them.

A short story before getting into the real deal of this blog.

Yesterday I watched a basketball game, organized by Filipinos and also just played by Filipinos. The game was a hard one, both teams battled for every score and also both teams struggled with the referees decisions. But I guess thats just the way a game runs, right? Let’s just say there is  Team A and a Team Z. One of the players at team A just fell down and acted like he got hurt or something but the referee didn’t reached for a foul. OK no deal, but then all of a sudden some people from the AUDIENCE just shouted to the referee and the players of Team Z and wanted a foul.  They just yelled at players. I am feeling sorry because the one who fell down had cramps but I guess it is still the job of the referee whether to call it a foul or not, right? Ok moving on to another situation, one of the players of Team Z got hit into the breast area, in total shock he just lied on the floor not moving because he couldn‘t breathe. The referee didn’t see a foul so he didn’t call one. Fine, no big deal. BUT THEN out of nowhere there were women laughing and yelling into the court saying, “Yes, you deserve so! Get the shit out of here and don’t act like you got hurt!“ A younger boy, not even 18 years old didn’t stop yelling bullshit after someone told him to stop. He just continued yelling and insulting the players on the court. These people were freaking out because of totally NOTHING! I was like watiching them yelling and laughing and screaming at Team Z,  looking like stupid monkeys who just got out of the zoo. No respect, no manners added by a low level. And after that, the game was on fire!

Now you wanna say, “Ahh you don’t understand them because they are the families of the one getting hurt and shit“,  but,  you are wrong I know the Players of Team Z. Most of them don’t put themselves into trouble just because of a game. They don’t want anybody to be harmed, they just want to play a good and fair game. But this time it was different because the people, who has nothing to do with the game got personal. The audience should actually just shut their mouths and watch the game, letting the players talk for them, right? But no, this people were just people who can’t get out of their skin in real life, that’s why there are coming out in situations they shouldn’t and take things personal which they shouldn’t.

That’s not the whole story of course not, but I guess here I start with the real deal about this blog. The women who yelled nonsense into the court were mothers. Mothers having babys and children around them. As a child you would question, “Why is mom laughing if someone is hurt?“ “ Why is it funny?“ “Should I laugh instead of help when someone is hurt?“ I guess this women didn’t even think for a secound about the consequences their behavior woud bring out. I kinda felt sad because of the children of these women. I can‘t imagine seeing my mother yelling this kind of words and insulting people you don‘t even know personally! I don’t want to judge these mothers, maybe they are good moms at home. But you should not just be a good mother at home,  you should give your best to be an Idol for your next generation. It’s a real shame watching these women laughing at someone lying on the floor with pain. We should take a minute to pray for these ladies! AMEN. No just kidding! I just hope this blog will reach some of the people out there to change! Not for me but for your children‘s sake and of course for God‘s sake!

 Thank you ma & pa for beeing good parents & for educating me the right way! A big hand to the good parents, idols and rolemodels of the next generation! God Bless..
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