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  • Autorenbildby wana

Take the first step..

Aktualisiert: 23. Feb. 2023

Few tips to get motivated for gym:

  1. Buy yourself a new pair of trainers or new gym sportswear. It really helps me to get excited for a new session. Like a kid, you always get excited to ‘show-off’ your new stuff at school but now, it is the gym where you ‘show-off’ your new toys 🙂

  2. Always refresh your playlist. After having the same playlist for over a month now, you might get sick of the same old workout songs. I download songs which I heard in the club. You know the feeling, listening to a good song and automatically having good vibes?  These are the songs you need to get hyped.

  3. Prepare a healthy but delicious Post-Workout Meal or Shake. When you know a tasty honey-mustard Chicken with brown Rice or a nice and sweet berry-Protein Shake is waiting for you after a workout, you’ll definitely get excited for your workout to be done!

  4. Grab your best friend. Call your friend the day before hitting the gym. Set a date in the gym. You’ll never get bored with your best friend, right?

  5. Follow fitness pages on Instagram. At night, lying in bed scrolling down at pictures on fitness pages you will either be depressed or motivated. Of course, there are two different types to react on body goal-pictures. Either you take the challenge to finally get your ASS up, or stay lying in bed regretting you have missed a new opportunity as every day passes by.

Until the next Blog-Post fellas, wishing you a happy WVNVVWEDNESDAY!!

Yesterday you said tomorrow!
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