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  • Autorenbildby wana


Things & Tipps I wish I knew I wouldn't need them đŸ€“

"Sleep as much and as long as you can! As soon as the baby is out you won't get any sleep anymore! "

BITCHđŸ« , I can't save sleep how will this advise help me for the next 1 to 2ish years?

"Pack your hospitalbag 4 to 6 weeks prior "

I organized my shit a week before I gave birth.

YES OF COURSE you can be prepared, but girl not overdramatic!

Keep in mind you wont need too much at the hospital keep it light :) and if there is something you forgot to pack or might thought you wont need it, you'll still have your boo to bring you stuff.

Here are some things I DID NOT need in my HOSPITALBAG

Before starting, major Info I gave birth in June so it was warm during my 3-day stay at the hospital ☀

❌ Underwear

Wether you'll have a vaginal birth or a c-section, you'll get net-underwear and big pads for your vajj from the hospital. Super comfy underwear 💯 and trust me after this pushing and maybe tearing, all you want is to be free down there and this net thingy will do exactly that!

❌ Night gowns/PJs

I wore those net underwear and a nursing cami underneath the hospital gown and so I was good to go

Here the link for those nursing camis

TIPP: Get yourself a larger size as usual, your titts are going to explode the first few weeks ;)

Also I never wore a nursing bra at the hospital, it wasn't as comfortable as the camis, besides nobody cares if you are wearing a bra 😅

❌ Socks

It was warm in june.

❌ A book

HAHAHA as if I would have had any time during labor to be calm and read and also after baby popped out, there was no time either. Even if he was sleeping I tried to sleep too or was busy taking pictures and show them off to the loveones HAHA. But this is just me, if you like to read maybe bring your kindle so it won't take so much space in you bag đŸ€“

❌ Pillow, blankets

You'll have enough at the hospital. If you need more, ask!


What I actually needed

⭕ ID, insurance card and paperstuff for the hospital

⭕ 1 outfit for leaving the hospital

TIPP: might help to wear something loose at the belly and coochie area, maybe a dress oder beggy joggers đŸ‘đŸŸ

⭕ 2-3 nursing camis

⭕ 1 pair of slippers

⭕ 1 Towel

⭕ Toiletries ( shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, lotion, deodorant, hairbrush)

⭕ Phone Charger

Very important for active labor

â–ȘHairties and/or Hairband



What husband needed

He is a grown ass man he should pack for himself đŸ€ŠđŸŸâ€â™€ïž

but I got you! SAME HAHAHA, mine didn't either đŸ« 

⭕ Tshirt, shorts, socks and toothbrush

He'll get many chances to get home and grab stuff. So dont overpack just for him 😒

What baby needed

⭕ One outfit for leaving the hospital (depends on the season) A hat, an overall and socks

⭕ 3-5 bodies (depends on the season, maybe pants too or tights)

⭕ A soother, just in case

he did get diapers and wipes from the hospital, also blankets and burp cloth

That is basically it for the hospitalbag 🧳 you are now good to go! đŸ™đŸœ

" Before the baby arrives make sure you already have a kindergarden spot"

Fuuuck this stressed me the most! I just found out that I'm having a tiny human and I already should look for a free spot? As soon as Kyle was born I looked up for kindergarden near by. And as he was around 6-7months I asked for a free spot and luckily they got one. Kyle will start kindergarden with just 15months young đŸ„č

" You need a bed for your newborn! "

We bought one because people said to teach them young to be independent. But actually baby never slept there at night. He took his naps during the day in his crib but at night it was too exhausting for me personally to put baby to sleep and then to put him to bed too. especially in the beginning, like the first few weeks baby needed them titties like every 2hours. You have to get him out of the crib breastfeed and put him to sleep again. After falling asleep you put him into his crib and if your baby is like mine, he won't appreciate it, sleeping alone! so he will wake up again and you'll start over and finally after the 5th time he sleeps deep enough but you are already 2 hours trying so baby will wake up hungry shortly after again. So no rest at all đŸ˜­đŸ« 

TIPP: if you'd still like to have a crib, get one you can connect to your bed but also you can be mobile with. For example Kyle was laying in his crib for the first 3 months while I took a shower, made breakfast, cleaned, etc. he was very calm in his crib.

" Contractions feels like heavy menstruation pain "

BIIIIIIIITCH! THEY ARE ALL LYING! those contractions feel like somebody is slicing you up from your back forwards! I don't wanna make you nervous and shit but I'd rather know they hurt like freaking hell then somebody tell me they are like your menstruation pain! They maybe start as easy as cramps but as wider your coochie gets the heavier are the contractions.. đŸ€“â˜đŸŸ

After all YES they are painful(x1000) but this pain is nothing we women could not handle! YOU GO THIS!

until next one boo xx

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