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  • Autorenbildby wana

Travel essentials with a baby


Because a good mom-friend of mine who traveld a month earlier recommended to get a travel buggy for vacations so I got one from Maxi-Cosi


Light weight 6kg instead of my city stroller 12kg

Super easy to fold and compact, it fits into the compartmentstorage above your flight seat

Because it fits into the compartment easily you don't have to hand it over you have immediate access after leaving the airplane.

Also you can never be sure if the staff will take good care of your expensive city stroller 🤷🏽‍♀️

Damn she was right! It was a good decision to get one, it wasn't pricey at all and you can use it up to a 22kg heavy kid. So YES to a travelbuggy 👍🏾

Baby Carrier

I also brought my baby carrier from Cybex with me. Kyle was 7 months as we traveled back in january so he didn't walk by himself yet. He loved being in the carrier he just fell asleep as soon as he got tired and he just watched and observed from there.

Car Seat

We took our car seat with us so it was Kyles laguage to the Philippines. Checking in the car seat was for free so we just took it with us for safety reasons of course 😅

Diaper Kit

You'll get diapers and wet tissues from everywhere around the world but it was a hard time finding those disposal changing pads in the Philippines, also creams make sure you have enough wound cream because you don't want to expose babys butt to new cream which might irritate instead of help 😅

Snacks & Toys

Be always prepared, Kyle always got a piece of bread or titties and we got our favourite Christmas gift Toy with us 🫶🏽

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